Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sorry for a lack!

I just wanted to apologize to everyone for the lack of entries, forum posts, and all of that lately! I've been super busy with my new job!

I hope all is well. Please feel free to leave ideas for posts and promotions here!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome to TOV!

Good evening!

I'm about to head out the door, but I wanted to write this quick, celebratory post to let everyone know that the new etsy team, Through Our Viewfinders (TOV) was approved by the etsy admin!

What is TOV? We're a team, comprised of various photographers on etsy.com that participate in a newer fashion of "Through the Viewfinder" (or TTV) photography.

TTV photography uses two cameras, one is an older viewfinder camera (such as a Kodak Duaflex, Argus 75, or Brownie Starflex) and the other your digital camera. After fashioning a dark tube to keep light out, one takes a photo of the image seen in the viewfinder lens.

The nature of TTV photography produces images with a grungy, vintage feel, often speckled, darkened, blurred, or distorted, which many find to be absolutely beautiful in its imperfection.

Anyway, care to learn more about the TOV team? Visit us here at:

and our thread:

Ideas or suggestions for fun features or topics? Reply and let us know!